The Most Important Decision You Make Is Hiring The Right Attorney To Represent You

Take Action Against Business Conspiracies

Has your interest in a business been damaged by the actions of one or more other shareholders? There are remedies under the law for such business conspiracies. However, these cases can be very complex. Proving that you have been damaged and that the other shareholders are to blame can require an intensive investigation into the facts as well as a detailed understanding of the laws prohibiting business conspiracy.

It is imperative that you take action to effectively resolve the situation. Securing the representation of an attorney with extensive experience in dealing with business conspiracies and other aspects of business law is a must.

Hypothetical business conspiracy scenarios include:

  • One shareholder becoming aware of a business opportunity that the company could have profited from and taking advantage of that opportunity on his or her own
  • Shareholders conspiring to shut a business down
  • Shareholders conspiring to create difficulties for another shareholder with the aim of that shareholder being forced out
  • Shareholders committing fraud against other shareholders

Skilled Attorneys Dedicated To Protecting The Best Interests of Your Business

At Konicek & Dillon, P.C., we understand how not all shareholder interests are the same. However, shareholders have a duty not to harm the interests of other shareholders in the same company. With over 150 years of combined experience, our attorneys are able to provide our clients with the sophisticated and responsive representation they need to recover full compensation for any losses suffered due to a business conspiracy.

Contact The Illinois Business Conspiracy Claims Lawyers of Konicek & Dillon, P.C.

If your interest in a business has been damaged by the actions of other shareholders, our skilled attorneys can help you take action to ensure that your best interests are fully protected. We understand what is at stake, and we know how to take immediate action that will protect your rights. To schedule a free initial consultation with one of our Chicago business law attorneys, call 630-313-2071; in Geneva, call 630-313-2071. You can also contact us online.