The Most Important Decision You Make Is Hiring The Right Attorney To Represent You

The Law Is On Your Side When You Lose A Loved One

If the negligence or intentional act of person or company has caused the death of someone in your family, you may be entitled to seek compensation for your loss. This lawsuit is known as a wrongful death claim.

At Konicek & Dillon, P.C., our lawyers represent people who have lost family members in all types of incidents, accidents and circumstances. With offices in Geneva and Chicago, we represent families throughout Illinois, Indiana and Missouri. We offer a free initial consultation to discuss your case.

What Is A Wrongful Death Action?

A death is considered wrongful under the law if it is caused by the careless, reckless or intentional actions of someone else. An example would be a fatal car crash caused by an inattentive truck driver.

In some cases, the death is caused not by another person, but by a defective product. For example, if an air bag fails to deploy and someone is killed in a crash that would have been survivable had the air bag worked, then the carmaker and the company that made the air bag may be responsible.

Wrongful death cases need to be carefully investigated to determine who is responsible and what sources of insurance may be available to pay for your damages.

Who Is Eligible To File A Wrongful Death?

In Illinois, the next of kin of the person who died have a right to sue for wrongful death. Who can sue varies on the status of the person who died. Parents have a wrongful death claim if one of their children dies as a result of another’s conduct. A spouse can recover for the wrongful death of a spouse. Children can recover for the wrongful death of a parent.

The laws on which one can file a wrongful death lawsuit vary from state to state. Our attorneys will not charge you anything to evaluate your case and determine which members of your family are eligible to file suit.

What Types of Damages Can I Receive?

Survivors in Illinois generally can recover compensation for grief, loss of emotional support and affection, funeral expenses, lost financial support from a wage earner, loss of parental guidance for a child and loss of consortium for a spouse.

Free Attorney Consultation

To discuss your case with our Geneva wrongful death lawyers, call 630-313-2071 or fill out the contact form on this website. We offer home visits.