Have You Been Damaged By Your Attorney?
At the legal malpractice law offices of Konicek & Dillon, P.C., we are committed to the high ethical standards of the legal profession. Our attorneys will help you understand the law and the standards that attorneys are expected to meet.
Lawyers and law firms must comply with strict ethical standards. These standards extend to providing appropriate advice and legal representation for a reasonable fee.
But a law firm’s fiduciary duty to a client extends beyond fees, costs and billing statements. Attorneys are also responsible for the timeliness and accuracy of advice they provide. This can include providing appropriate advice about potential tax consequences of your decisions, or other financial consequences of your actions.
When an attorney is not sufficiently experienced or competent to provide advice on financial or other areas, he or she must inform you that you should get the advice of another lawyer or law firm. When a lawyer’s mistake causes damage beyond the loss of an underlying claim, the lawyer can be liable for damages if he or she had reason to believe that the mistake was likely to cause such damage. A breach of fiduciary duty case can come about as a result of any number of circumstances, including:
- Lawyer misconduct
- Emotional injuries caused by a lawyer’s breach
- Improper dealing with clients
- Improper relationships with clients
- Fraud
- Failure to properly advise
- Missed statute of limitations
Whatever The Circumstances, We Can Help You Understand Your Rights
Contact Konicek & Dillon, P.C., for a cost-free consultation about your breach of fiduciary duty claim. You can reach us via email or by phone (in Geneva: 630-313-2071; in Chicago: 630-313-2071).