The Most Important Decision You Make Is Hiring The Right Attorney To Represent You

We Can Handle Sheltered Care, Group Home and Assisted Living Cases

There are varying levels of care facilities available to seniors. Each offers a different set of amenities and services. This allows seniors and their loved ones to choose a care facility that is most appropriate to their individual needs while allowing varying degrees of independence. Not all facilities provide the same level of care.

Levels of Care Vary Among Facility Types

Types of care facilities include:

  • Nursing homes — Also known as skilled nursing facilities, nursing homes offer their patients a full range of care, including 24-hour nursing care, feeding and hygiene.
  • Sheltered care facilities — These facilities offer many services to seniors who need assistance with activities such as cooking and personal hygiene, but who do not require round-the-clock medical or nursing care.
  • Assisted living facilities — These facilities offer assistance with a wide range of daily activities, including nutrition, hygiene and medication, but they typically do not provide any nursing care.
  • Supportive living facilities — These are very similar to assisted living facilities and are available to lower-income seniors.
  • Rehabilitation facilities — These facilities can offer a wide range of rehabilitation options, including physical rehabilitation, occupational rehabilitation, speech therapy, language rehabilitation and respiratory therapy.

Skilled Attorneys Dedicated To Helping You Protect Your Senior Loved Ones

At Konicek & Dillon, P.C., we have been helping people help their senior loved ones deal with the issues and challenges presented by nursing home care. We have a rich background of experience that includes more than 150 years of helping people through challenging long-term care issues such as abuse and neglect. We can help guide you through whatever issue is confronting you and your senior loved one.

Contact The Geneva Residents’ Rights In A Long-Term Care Facility Lawyers of Konicek & Dillon, P.C.

If you are interested in learning more about filing a lawsuit against a care facility and how we can help you with any issues or challenges, take the time to talk with the lawyers of Konicek & Dillon, P.C. To schedule a free initial consultation with one of our Geneva nursing home attorneys, call 630-313-2071; in Chicago, call 630-313-2071. You can also contact us online.