FAQ: Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect
If you suspect that a loved one is being neglected or abused by his or her caretakers, it’s important to speak up and take legal action. But how do you spot signs of elder abuse and neglect? How can you be sure that your suspicions are correct? And who do you turn to for answers and assistance?
Experienced Attorneys Helping People Get Real Answers
At Konicek & Dillon, P.C., we are committed to helping our clients throughout Illinois gather the information they need and take meaningful legal action to protect their loved ones.
Below are general answers to some of the most common questions we hear regarding nursing home abuse and neglect. Of course, if you have noticed signs of elder abuse or your loved one has spoken to you about maltreatment at the hands of his or her caretakers, we encourage you to call us and speak directly with our attorneys about your options.
What are some common signs of nursing home abuse and neglect?
Warning signs of physical abuse and neglect may include:
- Emotional withdrawal, unusual behavior, ongoing agitation, reticence (unwillingness to talk with you) and strong emotional outbursts (unexplained weeping, anger, etc.)
- Unexplained bruising, scarring and cuts
- Bedsores
- Dehydration and malnutrition (such as significant weight loss)
- Unsanitary conditions
- Soiled clothing and linens
- Unchecked illnesses and infections
What are some reasons behind nursing home abuse and neglect?
In many cases, elder abuse is related to a lack of training and adequate staff at a care facility. Perhaps there are just too many patients and the staff is overwhelmed. Or there is a lack of leadership and oversight at the facility. As attorneys, we look at all contributing factors when investigating accusations of abuse and neglect. With a comprehensive understanding of what led to the alleged abuse, we can better hold negligent parties accountable.
What should I do if I think my loved one is being abused or neglected?
To use a well-known phrase, “If you see something, say something.” When it comes to your loved one’s care, it’s important to be attentive and speak out when you think his or her interests are being compromised. If you see an issue, you can speak to nurses, doctors and others at the care facility. If your concerns are not addressed, however, you may need to hire a lawyer. Instead of you trying to handle the issue on your own, our attorneys can get the attention of care providers and help you put the law to work to protect your loved one.
What Can A Lawyer Do To Help My Family and Me?
When it comes to elder abuse and neglect cases, we look to help families hold negligent parties accountable and ensure that their loved ones are safe. We can draw attention to instances of abuse and neglect and pursue lawsuits for damages. In some egregious cases, criminal prosecution may be warranted. Ultimately, our goal is make sure your loved one is properly cared for and that others don’t suffer similar instances of abuse.
When You Have Suspicions, Contact Our Firm
To learn more and to speak with our attorneys, call our Geneva office at 630-313-2071 or our Chicago office at 630-313-2071. If you prefer to send an email, reach out by completing our online contact form.